Thanks to the generosity of our community, we are able to help local people that are in need.
We accept donations of most dried, fresh and tinned foods as long as they are unopened and in date. If you want to discuss a donation of surplus stock from your business, please get in touch.
See our full list of items that we can take
Current Shortages (as at 09/02/2024)
Details of current shortages are detailed below. We do not require certain brands - non-branded and supermarket own brands are gratefully received.
Thank you for your support!

Baked Beans

Tinned Meat Meals

Chopped Tomatoes

Long Life Milk

Pasta Sauce


Rice Pudding


We politely ask you not to donate the following items as we either have surplus stock or we are unable to use these items.
- Alcohol
- Items containing alcohol
- Out of date food items
Where can I donate my items?
Food can be donated and dropped off in the Red Bins at:
- The Co-Op in Meltham
- The Co-Op in Netherton
Food can also be donated and dropped off at:
- The Crossroads Centre
- The Crossroads Shop
Thank you for your support.