Meltham Baptist Church
A friendly local church - visitors assured of a warm welcome
As we are without a minister, at this time, we are being led by our lay Pastor & Deacons.
We meet for Sunday Worship at 10.30 am
Everyone is welcome to stay for Refreshments following the Service.
Communion is held the First Sunday in the month, and on the same day an evening Service is held-6pm, at Scarr Green Shelterd Housing, Meltham.
The events during the week are as follows:-
Tuesday 10 am to 12pm- JACOBS WELL COFFEE MORNING
Tuesday 9.30 to 10am - Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 2pm to 4pm - GAMES AFTERNOON at Scarr Green Shelterd Housing.
Monthly :
Fellowship Evening ( times and location vary so please contact us )
Everyone welcome to the above and for further information please contact The Church Administrator on 01484 362636
Meltham Community Pre School are based in our Church Monday to Friday during Term Time.
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