I sat in the Citizens Advice Bureau wondering how my situation had come to this. I was educated and used to have a career, a good income and had a beautiful young daughter who I thanked God for every day. I was the sole provider for my small family. However, that girl was gone. As I sat in the waiting room, I was now someone who was the victim of domestic abuse, had no job, and no income. I was scared, anxious and tearful. The bills were piling up and I had no resources to cope with them or the emotional strength to face the never-ending accompanying paperwork. Leaving the scoundrel I married had taken its toll on a very practical level. The man at CAB suggested I made a phone call to someone called “Chris”. I did from their office.
Chris reassured me that everything would be ok and to visit him the next day. I did. Chris demonstrated a lot of empathy to my situation and started to advise me of the benefit system. He offered me food, I refused! As I left the meeting feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders; he said I don’t care what you say someone will be around tonight with food! This happened and I couldn’t believe the amount and quality of food that was delivered. I was incredibly grateful.
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